
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

World's Smartest Dog??

How clever is this dog?

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Catherine Tate and David Tennant

From Comic Relief 2007 - sheer genius!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Parchment Craft - First Attempt

So, I've decided to try my hand at parchment craft. This is my first attempt - even if I say so myself, it makes me look quite artistic. I'm really pleased with it.

One of those songs you'll be singing all day!!

You have been warned. But I love it!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

El Paso Christmas Lights

Christmas lights on house are synchronized to music by Trans-Siberian Orchestra
WARNING - This video contains lots of flashing lights!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Merry Chirstmas & Happy New Year to All

I'd like to wish all my friends who visit my blog and those I don't know who visit an very merry Christmas and hope that 2007 brings you everything you wish for.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Dog Vs Postman!

Why is it that postman deliver so early to homes that have dogs? 7:30 on a Saturday morning is too early to be woken by a crazed animal flying down the stairs to bark at the door! I'm sure the postman came later when I didn't have a dog. Do they make a note of all the 'dog' households and make sure they are first on the list for deliveries? Is it a case of 'I have to be up and working at stupid o'clock on a Saturday so I'll make sure you all get up too'? Somethin should be done - a new law perhaps. Is a lie-in too much to ask for??

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Part Dog, Part Homing Pigeon!

It's true - Minnie is Part dog, part homing pigeon. It doesn't seem to matter where she gets taken for her walk, she not only knows when she's reached the half-way point, but also the quickest route home! Maybe she's not as thick as we originally thought!!
She is also developing another of her, until now, undiscovered skills - she can clear a room in seconds with her toxic gas. She was always more of a belcher than farter, but no more aparently!! It's amazing as I can't put it down to the food she eats as she practically lives on fresh air - food is not desired!! So how does she manage to produce such foul and odourous wind?? If you know the answer to this question or more importantly the cure for the aformentioned affliction, please let me know.